Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I'm Tired And Want To Go To Bed Edition

Bleh. I'm tired. This post should be pretty short, seeing how there's not much to report. Today, I've mostly been busy with pony related things, such as fanfic, stalking ask*insertponynamehere* tumblr pages, general "Dawww look it's Fluttershy in socks!" nonsense, checking EquestriaDaily every few minutes, and converting non-bronies on Omegle (I'm oh so useful).

In a nutshell, here's what little activity has transpired in the last 24 hours or so that's kinda band-related:
-I've done nothing to work on songs and stuff (I'm sooo lazy)
-I've listened to more music
-Gray has says he's finished the logo for the band, but I have yet to see it
-I haven't even made a dent towards getting the garage ready to practice in
-We haven't made up our minds about the whole "A2K" or "A2TK" thing (we need to decide that, leik naow)

That's basically it. Not one of our more productive days. Hopefully we get more stuff done tomorrow, and I'll see you then!

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